Cashel, Ferns and Ossory – Diocesan Synod Report
Taking words from the Epistle of the day as the theme for his presidential address, the Bishop of Cashel, Ferns and Ossory, the Rt Revd Adrian Wilkinson reminded Synod members of St Paul’s prayer for the Christian community in Ephesus, that they would have the ‘eyes’ of their ‘heart enlightened’. The Diocesan Synod, which began with a service of Holy Communion, was held on Saturday 19th October at the Woodford Dolmen Hotel, Carlow. Bishop Wilkinson reminded those attending that Christians are called to see and interpret the world with a heart of wisdom and compassion as enlightened by the Holy Spirit.
Bishop Wilkinson elaborated ‘God wants us to have an expanded awareness of the full implications of God’s calling in our lives. Because we are called into God’s family, we have hope, and you and I are to live in the light of that hope. That small four-letter word ‘hope’ should undergird all that we do in our parishes in Cashel, Ferns and Ossory and throughout our church. If we, in partnership with other Christian denominations, are not people of hope in the demands and challenges of contemporary society, who will be?’
In the remainder of his address, Bishop Wilkinson referred to some of the changes and challenges that the diocese has experienced in the past year. He paid tribute to those clergy and laity who give of their time and talents selflessly in service of the Gospel and in the work of the Diocese.
This year, elections to two central church committees were held. Mr William Galloway was re-elected as a member of the Representative Church Body and the Revd Helen Oxley, a primary school principal and Ms Margaret Jacob, a retired principal, were elected to serve on the Church of Ireland Board of Education for the next three years. We are grateful to them, and to all those from Cashel, Ferns and Ossory who represent the Diocese on these and other church committees.
This year the Diocesan Council Report was proposed by Ms Linda Ward and seconded by Archdeacon Alec Purser. Following this, a motion in relation to the structure and organisation of the Diocesan Magazine and Communications Committee was presented by Canon Trevor Sargent and Mr Shane Reynolds and accepted by the Synod. All the members then adjourned for lunch. In the afternoon, reports from diocesan committees and individuals on a variety of issues including education, youth work, children’s and family ministry, safeguarding, digital communications, the Diocesan Magazine, diocesan reader ministry and the Bishops’ Appeal were also presented, generating some discussion and questions.
At the conclusion of proceedings, the members stood to sing the hymn ‘Forth in the peace of Christ we go’ and the Bishop gave the final blessing.
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