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Diocese of Cashel, Ferns and Ossory

Robbie raising money for MRI scanner in Wexford General

In a Church of Ireland outreach initiative Enniscorthy man, Robbie Syme is cycling to all six cathedrals in our Diocese to raise money for two causes, one at home and one away.

The home one is the MRI scanner for Wexford General Hospital project where he hopes to help, in some way, in achieving the €250,000 needed to buy it.

The away one is to put a roof on a health clinic in Rwanda.  He has been to Rwanda 14 times with a group of friends and says that the provision of a health clinic will help save many lives there.

Today he is visiting Cashel Cathedral so go along and support him, if you can, at 7 p.m. this evening.

Yesterday he cycled from Old Leighlin to St Canice’s and today has braved ‘rain showers of biblical proportions’ cycling from Kilkenny City to Cashel.

“I hope to get there before I have to swim!” he said this afternoon.

Yesterday he spoke on South East Radio’s Morning Mix programme about what he is doing and why and in particular about Rwanda and how it has progressed since the dreadful time of inter-tribe fighting and genocide there twenty years ago.

Listen here to the interview:      (The interview is midway through the show, after the 11 o clock news)

He was also a guest in studio at KCLR where he talked at length to Sue Nunn about the heart attack that triggered his cycling fund-raising ventures and how, while the MRI scanner is important for Wexford, it will also ease waiting list pressure on hospitals in other counties like Kilkenny, Waterford and Tipperary when it is available so it is a worthy cause relevant to many.

Listen to this interview here

Tomorrow he will head for Lismore Cathedral and on Friday will cycle from there to Christ Church Cathedral, Waterford.

Go along to support him if you can!