The United Dioceses of Cashel, Ferns and Ossory with Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth
Certificate in Christian Studies
Want to deepen your understanding of the Christian faith?
Want to explore contemporary issues from a faith perspective?
Want to gain a recognised third-level award from a major theological academy?
The Certificate in Christian Studies is a part-time course for all who wish
to explore the Christian faith. The programme provides a structured introduction to:
scripture, theology, church history, ethics, liturgy and ministry.
(New pastoral modules on Rural Ministry, Understanding Bereavement
and Listening Skills may be offered, pending approval.
Check diocesan website:
The course is open to general interest participants and also those who wish to train for Lay Reader ministry. The programme is organised around a series of weeknight study evenings and Saturday workshops.
Next intake: Autumn 2018 (depending on numbers).
For more details contact: The Very Revd Tom Gordon [Director of Adult Education]
Telephone: 087.2767562 Email: