Closing date: 05/11/2018
The Church of Ireland Theological Institute (CITI) seeks to appoint a full–time PA to the Director to provide and develop administrative support for its teaching programmes and residential facilities.
Located in Braemor Park, Dublin 14, CITI provides ordination and lay training for the Church of Ireland in partnership with the University of Dublin (Trinity College).
The successful applicant will be a skilled organiser with relevant IT skills and the ability to work both independently and as part of a team.
This is a unique opportunity for candidates with the right blend of expertise and experience to make a key contribution to Church life.
Further details and application form are available to download by clicking on the links below.
Application for the position is by completed application form together with CV. Applications may be submitted by email, preferably in pdf. Completed applications must arrive at the following address no later than 4:00pm on Monday 5 November 2018:
Secretary to the Chief Officer,
Representative Church Body,
Church of Ireland House,
Church Avenue,
Dublin 6.
(Email, Tel +353 (0)1 4125601)
Further information about CITI can be found at
Further information and application forms:
Job details (PDF)
Application form (MS Word)
Application form (PDF)