The Bishop of Cashel, Ferns and Ossory, the Right Reverend Adrian Wilkinson is
delighted to announce that he has appointed the Reverend Canon David Bayne as
incumbent of Tinahely and Carnew Union.
David was born in Stirling, in Central Scotland, and attended Stirling High School
followed by St. Andrews University, graduating in History and Economics. After a
fifteen-year career in business, he returned to college, to Coates Hall in Edinburgh, in
1987, to study for Ordination.
His entire ministry was within the Scottish Episcopal Church & Diocese of Glasgow
and Galloway, serving firstly as Rector of Dumfries, then of Castle Douglas and as
Rural Dean of Galloway. The Church made much use of his previous experience, as
Convener both of the Diocesan Administration Board and of the Provincial Finance
Committee, and as a Trustee of the Pension Fund.
For 17 years David was a Chapter Canon of St. Mary’s Cathedral, Glasgow, and was
made an Honorary Canon on his first retirement, to Askamore on the border of
Wicklow and Wexford.
He is married to Alison, who is an artist and speech therapist, and whose family is
from Wicklow. They have one son, Andrew, who is married to Yasmin and lives in
After almost seven years of retirement, during which David has officiated in over
30 Churches in the Diocese, Alison and he are excited to begin a new chapter of their
ministry, in the Tinahely and Carnew Union.
Bishop Wilkinson says ‘I am delighted that Canon Bayne has accepted this
incumbency. He is a caring and imaginative priest. Since moving to Askamore, David
has been very active in the Diocese, covering in parishes where there have been
vacancies. The people of Tinahely and Carnew Union know both David and Alison as
much-loved and committed parishioners already and they will be delighted with this
news. I know also that David’s clerical colleagues in the Diocese will warmly welcome
this appointment too.’
A date for the institution service will be announced in due course.