Brian Thorpe has retired after 14 years as Honorary Secretary and Treasurer of the Ferns Diocesan Protestant Orphan’s Society (FDPOS).
A special lunch was held in his honour on Friday, 1st June, in the Courtyard, Ferns, attended by Brian’s wife of 60 years – Bea, and his son, Desmond, as well as clergy and committee members.
Bishop Burrows was also there along with retired Archdeacons the Reverends Kenneth Wilkinson and Chris Long.
At the event, president of the Society, the Reverend Leslie Crampton thanked Brian for his long and very faithful service to the society as honorary secretary and treasurer.
“Everything you have done has been done meticulously,” he told Brian, “and we want to thank you for your work over the years.”
Bishop Burrows expressed delight at being at the gathering in honour of Brian and his wife, Bea.
“In all the years I have known and observed Brian I realise that he is a person of great depth, thoughtfulness and ability,” he said, “who generously wishes to give up his time and his talents of stewardship to make a difference to other people and particularly to use the fruitful years of so-called retirement to take up noble causes and put his talents at the disposal of others.”
He went on to mention how Brian, both in the parish and in the wider Diocese, particularly in the work of education and supporting those who are growing up has provided a meticulous service for a long time.
“As well as enriching our company he has also made such a difference to the lives and education and quality of life to those we exist to serve,” he said.
The Bishop presented Brian with a holiday voucher as a token of the Diocese’s appreciation.
“You are always someone who speaks wisely, pays great attention to detail – always the mark of the teacher – and pity help any society that mislaid 5c, as it were, in the context of your oversight – such things never happened,” he went on.
Bishop Burrows also complimented Brian Thorpe on being an attentive and sincere listener, on his sense of music and very elegant singing voice.
Responding to the speakers Brian thanked the assembled company for the occasion and said that he had enjoyed the work over the previous 14 years.
“I’ve also enjoyed being associated with the young people in the Diocese, not with them directly, but in being able to assist with their education and their upbringing.”
While he is standing aside from this role he is still planning on contributing when he can, he told those present.
He also mentioned how he had worked with Archdeacon Kenneth Wilkinson in the area of education for 14 years and of how Pearl Deacon had been in the role of hon sec/treasurer of the Ferns Diocesan Protestant Orphans Society for 18 years before him.
He ended by wishing his successor well.
An AGM of the Society followed in St. Mogue’s Cottage, Ferns, where the committee were delighted when Mr. Robbie Syme was elected Hon. Secretary / Treasurer and accepted the position, succeeding Brian Thorpe.
The current committee of FDPOS was re-elected for another year.
A silence was also observed at the beginning of the A.G.M. as a mark of respect to the late Percy Rothwell who had served on the committee faithfully for many years.
Also, at the meeting Mr. Roland Hendy was thanked for his thirty-nine years of generous service to the Society.