At Choral Evensong on Sunday 7th May 2023 in St Canice’s Cathedral, the Venerable Mark Hayden was licensed and installed as Archdeacon of Ossory and Leighlin. Also being licensed was Seán Rafter BL as Deputy Diocesan Registrar. A large congregation attended the service, including many from Archdeacon Hayden’s parish of Gorey Group. They were joined by members of the Chapter of St Canice’s Cathedral, as well as other clergy, family members and friends.
The scripture readings were read by Mrs Nicola Rafter and Mr Luke Hayden.
In his sermon, the Bishop made reference to the role of the archdeacon as set out in the Constitution of the Church of Ireland. Then alluding to the appointed Old Testament lesson from Zechariah, he highlighted the importance of clergy and laity working together in their respective and complementary roles. ‘We have seen this emphasised in this liturgy’, he concluded.
The service ended with the hymn ‘Glorious things of thee are spoken’. The congregation enjoyed refreshments at the back of the Cathedral.