On Sunday 11th February, at a service of Choral Evensong in Saint Canice’s Cathedral, The Rev’d Canon Victor Fitzpatrick was installed as Prebendary of Killamery.
The Bishop, the Rt Rev’d Adrian Wilkinson, welcomed the congregation to the service and congratulated Victor on his appointment. The bishop welcomed Victor’s family and parishioners and said that the occasion was one of great joy for Victor and the Cathedral. The Bishop noted that one of Victor’s Churches is that of Seirkieran, from which the ancient Saint Kieron’s Chair was brought to St Canice’s Cathedral when it became the centre of the Diocese of Ossory.
The Registrar, Sean Rafter BL read the bishop’s licence appointing the canon, following which Victor subscribed to the Declarations and signed the Diocesan Roll and the Chapter Book. The Registrar read the Bishop’s mandate to the Dean to install the new canon. Canon Fitzpatrick was then taken by the arm and lead into the quire and placed in his stall by the Dean, the Very Rev’d Stephen Farrell.
Evensong followed, with music by Smith and Purcell sung by St Canice’s Cathedral Choir under the Director of Music, Dr Harry Meehan FRCO. Lessons were read by Canon Fitzpatrick’s brother, and the Prebendary of Blackrath, Canon Ian Coulter.
In his sermon Canon Fitpatrick drew on the second canticle at Evensong, the Nunc Dimittis, considering the privilege Simeon had of cradling his infant Saviour in his arms. Quoting the Song of Simeon Canon Fitzpatrick made the point that we can all just as tangibly grasp the Light to Lighten the Gentiles through faith.
The Bishop drew the service to a close with his blessing and all retired to the Lady Chapel of the cathedral for tea.
Killamery is the site of a monastery founded in 632AD by Saint Gobhan of Armagh, who was also Abbot of Saint Laserian’s, Old Leighlin. After his death Gobhan was buried in the ancient abbey at Clonenagh, and it is fitting that Canon Fitzpatrick as Rector of Clonenagh would hold the Prebendal Stall of Killamery.
Click here to view the collection of pictures from the Service