Are you interested in writing and publishing a book or booklet, in print or online, related to your parish or the wider Diocese?
If so, there may be a grant available to help you do this from the Knox Bequest.
The Reverend Iain Knox, a former rector of Clonmel, himself the author of books about local and church history, left a substantial legacy, the income from which is to be made available annually to encourage appropriate publications in this Diocese.
Topics for such publications can include local history but also other subjects of relevance to the life and work of the Diocese will be considered. This might include anything form a Diocese Lent course to a collection of locally focussed resources for worship.
Applications are open to individuals and groups.
Please apply to: The Diocesan Office, The Palace Coach House, Church Lane, Kilkenny.
Email palacecoachhouse@gmail.com
Tel: 056 7761910
Annual closing date: 30th April 2023