From the President
We hear a lot these days of the involvement of Trade Unions in industrial disputes be it teachers, transport, nurses or retails outlets. These Unions seek to do their utmost for their members. Our organisation M.U. has the word Union attached to it but for very different reasons. As I ponder upon this word Union let me give you some thoughts:
U Unity is one of the characteristics of Mothers’ Union. United through our faith in God, united to each other through Branch and Diocesan involvement and also to the wider world through the work of M.U. Overseas.
N New developments. The future of Mothers’ Union depends on new people, new resources coming on stream, new ideas to progress overseas. On a daily basis new issues with regard to family, marriage and life in general is the norm. We need to keep informed and be equipped to help through the work of M.U.
I Inspiration: We all need each other. We can inspire each other. Branch meetings, area meetings, special events and prayer walks etc are all a source of inspiration to members.
O Outreach: Very important aspect of Mothers’ Union. Literacy projects, prison visits, knitting of hats and making of teddies for hospitals, facilities at the National Ploughing Championships, Nursing Home visits, calling on Indoor Members, just some of the activities members are involved in.
N The nearness of God through our faith is the source of strength that keeps us focused in all that is accomplished by members of M.U.
We have begun a year of Celebration to mark 130 years since M.U. came into being. Branches are organising special events. May all of these be celebrations of Faith in Action, the theme for 2017.
Every Blessing
Margaret Sykes
Diocesan President
Cashel Ferns and Ossory
Tour Reunion Lunch The Diocesan Tour Reunion Lunch was held in Hotel Kilkenny on 6th February , where we were first welcomed by Phyllis Foot , then we all sat down to a wonderful lunch. Phyllis Grothier our All-Ireland President joined us for Lunch. When lunch was over, Sarah Mulhall from “ Irish Therapy Dogs” with her dog Lexi . Sarah takes her dog to a Nursing Home in Freshford for about one and half hours every week to visit the patients. They look forward to Lexi’s visit so they can spend time with her . Lexi was brought to each table so everyone could see her and pet her. Phyllis Grothier then spoke about upcoming events to celebrate 130 years of Mothers’ Union in Ireland.
MU PILGRIM’S WAY 2017-02-10 Phyllis Grothier, All-Ireland President is doing a walk in all 12 Dioceses as part of the celebrations of 130 years of Mothers’ Union in Ireland. Phyllis will be in Old Leighlin with Lynne Tembey, Worldwide President on the afternoon of Thursday 11th May 2017. Do try and come and meet them.