The list below gives details of online services available in this Diocese
The Bishop’s video reflection for Sunday 17th January 2021 – Something To Make Your Ears Tingle will be available from 1 p.m. on Saturday 16th.
A charming or horrible story? In this reflection Bishop Burrows talks about the story of the calling of Samuel (1 Samuel: 3) and in that context makes reference to the Mother and Baby report which was published this week.
New FB page – Portlaoise & Ballyfin. Portlaoise & Ballyfin Union have a new FB page and YouTube channel – see Portlaoise listing
RETREAT ON 31ST January on Facebook
Annual Epiphany Tide Retreat on Facebook
Community of Brendan the Navigator – Cumann Breandán Naofa
Sunday 31st January from 1.30 p.m.
See detail from the Reverend Máirt Hanley below:
Since The Community started a few years ago, we have had an annual Epiphany retreat. Last year it was at the end of the season in St. Brigid’s Cathedral on her feast day. This year we are holding a virtual retreat on our Facebook page on Sunday 31st January.
We suggest that people attend their usual online service in the morning and that we join together on Facebook from 1.30pm til 6. There will be a series of short reflections, 2 to 5 minutes long, either a video, audio, or written, posted every half hour for people to reflect on. So each of us can reflect where we are, in the quiet of our own space or if we prefer with a short walk. Finishing with a facebook live service at 5.30pm
As it is Epiphany season the theme is ‘Things we have learned in these quiet days’. I think that in the last while with so much busyness hushed, there has been a lot revealed to us as individuals and as a society. This is an opportunity to share the things we have discovered about ourselves, our faith and our society before any sense of busyness creeps back into our lives.
If you would like more details you can email the Community at brendan.community@gmail.com , phone 0876194733 or just look us up on our Facebook page
May your sails never rip, your boots never leak and your map be the right way up.
May God give you somewhere to walk to, someone to talk to, and something in your cup.
May your faith, understanding and Grace of God in you always grow,
Do check out the parish Facebook pages across the diocese for details of their online services each week
Several people from the diocese are featuring on Christian Media Trust programmes this week. See below. Do listen in.
CHRISTIAN MEDIA TRUST PROGRAMMES on South East Radio 95.2-96.4fm
Saturday 16th – Tuesday 19th January 2021
Simply Divine 16th Jan 10.04am- 10.30am
Maria Colfer speaks with Claire Sinnott about her new book ‘Miracles by Instalments’.
Sounds For Sunday 17th January 9.04am – 10.00am
Sounds for Sunday, is presented by Patricia McNally, with reflection from Reverend Canon Ian Cruickshank, and includes requests, hymns and sacred songs
️Sunday Reflection 17th January 8.30pm – 9pm
Valarie Power Shares a selection of hymns and Reflections.
Music Box 18th January 8.04pm – 8.30pm
Eric Driver shares a selection of musical favourites.
➕Faith Matters 18th January 8.30pm – 9pm
Reverend Canon Ian Cruickshank shares a reflection on his own faith experience.
🤫 Thoughts for Tuesday Jan 19th 8.04pm – 8.30pm
Brother Solanus shares the story of Blessed Dermot O’Hurley, Irish Bishop and Marytyr.
Clonmel | The Reverend Canon Barbara Fryday is continuing her online service on Sundays vis Soundcloud. The Clonmel Union of Parishes’ act of worship for this Sunday can be accessed via a link on the parish’s Faceboook page
https://www.facebook.com/OldStMarysClonmel/ or website http://oldstmarysclonmelunion.blogspot.com/
Cashel | CASHEL
CASHEL Sundays – A direct link to the podcast of Morning Prayer on Sunday is posted on the Parish Website www.cashelunion.ie each week under Digital Service on the home page. A link is also available on the parish’s Facebook page each week https://www.facebook.com/cashelunion, and can be emailed out along with the parish Pew Sheet to anyone wishing to be added to our mailing list by emailing cashelunion@gmail.com. The Very Reverend Gerald Field WATERFORD Our service is broadcast Saturday at midnight. YouTube station. https://youtube.com/channel/UC_tfbtxmVMkYyJ23V-MAY7g Google Maria Jansson, Waterford YouTube and subscribe then you will receive weekly links of every service broadcast. She is also providing short PRAYER AT BREAKFAST reflections each morning at 8 a.m. since this lockdown began. |
Christ Church Cathedral Waterford | Check the YouTube channel or website below for times of service.
or see http://christchurchwaterford.com/ The Very Reverend Maria Jansson The Reverend Trevor Sargent
Wexford | St Iberius church now has a webcam installed. Sunday service is at 11.15 and there is a Wednesday Holy Communion service also at 1 p.m. You can view the services at these time by clicking https://www.ipcamlive.com/stiberiuschurch
Also Chancellor Minion broadcasts other live services – matins and a Wednesday Holy Communion service – via his FB page: https://www.facebook.com/arthur.minion.3 WEXFORD Service arrangements for our Union of parishes are as follows for level 3 restrictions. Sunday Services: 9.30a.m. St Enoch’s church, Killinick, Holy Communion, the Reverend Conor O Reilly, live on his Facebook page 11.15 a.m. St Iberius’ Church, Wexford, Holy Communion, Chancellor Arthur Minion, live on Church Webcam, and live on his Facebook page Weekday services: 1.00 p.m. Wednesday of each Week, St Iberius’ church, Wexford, Mid Week Holy Communion, Chancellor Arthur Minion, live on Church Webcam, and live on his Facebook page 9.30 a.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Morning Prayer, Chancellor Arthur Minion, live on his Facebook page Ministry to Schools: A Thought for the Week, Monday during term time, 10.00a.m., Chancellor Arthur Minion, live on his Facebook page School Assembly, Friday during term time, 12.00 noon Revd Conor O Reilly, live on his Facebook page
Tinahely | 1 p.m. Sunday on Facebook live
Live streamed via https://www.facebook.com/tinahely.carnew The Venerable Ruth Elmes (occasionally with assistance from ‘Eile’ and/or ‘Betsy’) BALTINGLASS |
Baltinglass | Online services continue with a weekday act of worship service on either Tuesdays or Wednesdays. Sunday services will be broadcast via FB live on the 2nd and 4th Sundays (wifi available) and recorded on the 1st and 3rd Sundays (uploaded to FB by noon).” The Reverend Mairt Hanley.
https://www.facebook.com/RevMairt/ https://www.facebook.com/baltinglassgroup/posts/2320219738053848/ Also meditations on YouTube.
Abbeyleix | ABBEYLEIX
Online services are continuing. See this FB page for details https://www.facebook.com/abbeyleixandkillermogh/ The Reverend Canon Patrick Harvey
Clonenagh | CLONENAGH
A Sunday service is available on my YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/prayspot every Sunday morning at 11 a.m. The Reverend Victor Fitzpatrick
St Canice’s | KILKENNY
Online services are not continuing but Evensong will still be broadcast every Sunday evening at 5 p.m. on Community Radio Kilkenny City 88.7 fm and live on their website http://communityradiokilkennycity.ie See https://www.facebook.com/stcanicescathedral/ for details The Very Reverend David McDonnell
LEIGHLIN – Dean Tom Gordon is recommencing his Sunday morning reflections during lockdown. They can be viewed at anytime after they are uploaded – usually early on each Sunday morning
Killanne | KILLANNE
Online services and on CDs are carrying on as normal. Services of Morning Prayer and Compline available on Sundays and at any time on the parish website – click on link to SoundCloud on www.killanneunion.ie Also reflections. As well as church services now being available again: “By going onto the parish website killanneunion.ie you can find a link that gives different listening options. You can listen to a Full Service recorded by myself with all aspects of a service of Morning Prayer. Or you have the options of listening to, Just the hymns, Just the liturgy, Just the prayers, Just the readings or Just the Talk. These six options along with a Service of Compline are recorded onto CDs and are available for anyone who can’t obtain internet or would simply prefer a CD.” Ian. The Reverend Ian also provides a reflection for the Sounds for Sunday requests programme on South East Radio between 9 and 10 a.m. *****Send requests for Sounds for Sunday to presenter Patricia McNally on sforsundaycmt@gmail.com
Enniscorthy | www.enniscorthymonart.com
ENNISCORTHY Enniscorthy & Monart services via webcam. Live service at 10.30am each Thursday and 11.30am each Sunday. No option for playback at the moment so must be watched live. Services can be viewed from Www.churchmedia.ie and find St. Marys, Enniscorthy. Or the link can be found on our FB page and parish website The Reverend Nicola Halford
Ardamine | ARDAMINE
Archdeacon Bob Gray sends a weekly Act of Worship by email to those in the parish who have requested it. “Given that we are likely to be in a lockdown situation until near Christmas or beyond, I’m introducing a Zoom service for parishioners on a Sunday morning at 11am, for those who use the internet and would like to join in,” he says.
Ardamine Group – Act of Worship emailed weekly to parishioners and Zoom service at 11am on Sundays. Contact the Rector, the Ven. Bob Gray on (053) 9425423 or ardamine@ferns.anglican.org for details |
Stradbally | STRADBALLY
Stradbally Union Co. Laois.Weekly service uploaded to YouTube and Facebook at 10.00 for Oct 18th and Oct 25th All posted on FB: See also the parish’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnygmUSCtj24e86GkP5CdAA/featured?view_as=subscriber |
Dunleckney | DUNLECKNEY
Online services are continuing, says the Reverend Kevin Ronné The times are as follows: See the following for information: https://m.facebook.com/Dunleckney-Union-of-Parishes-109033024079498/ The Reverend Kevin Ronné |
Portlaoise | PORTLAOISE
It is intended that there will be a weekly reflection posted on Youtube in time for Sundays. Please contact Rev. Janet Finlay for the link. janetpfinlay@gmail.com The Reverend Janet Finlay New FB and YouTube links: & YouTube:https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCqF5Fg3z-1qe1k_4SUpwpiA LISMORE |
Lismore | “We will continue to put written liturgies and reflections on the website www.stcarthagescathedral.ie for each Sunday, as well as occasional videos, Dean Paul Draper says.
Check out the new cathedral website https://www.stcarthagescathedral.ie/ for more information also https://www.facebook.com/Saint-Carthages-Cathedral-Lismore-474784722604761/ The Very Reverend Paul Draper |
Dean Paul Mooney was broadcasting services each Sunday via his YouTube channel but Ferns Union of Parishes now has its own YouTube channel. Click on this link:
or search for Ferns Union of Parishes on the YouTube search bar.
There will be an on-line service from Gorey uploaded each Saturday evening to the parish Facebook page for the period of Level 5. See https://www.facebook.com/Gorey-Group-of-Parishes-475243015970989/
The Reverend Canon Brian O’Rourke will be continuing to broadcast a live service from
Tullow Group of Parishes each Sunday during lockdown.
See this FB page for details http://www.facebook.com/tullowgroupofparishes
An online service will be available each Sunday morning on the Reverend Canon Ian Coulter’s YouTube channel
This is the link:
The Reverend Robert Stotesbury is now providing Sunday services via the Killeshin Group of Parishes FB page. See https://www.facebook.com/KilleshinUnionofParishes/
For other Church of Ireland services around the country that you can link in with please click on the following:
Link to www.ireland.anglican.org for details of services available online nationally. Click on Online broadcast services for Sundays and for weekdays.
Also, the BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER can be accessed on line on the Church of Ireland’s national website on the Worship Resources, 2004 Texts page: here
Details of spiritual/religious radio programmes broadcast in this diocese
See https://www.southeastradio.ie/listen-live/
Saturday morning
10.04 a.m. -10.30 a.m. with Maria Colfer
SOUNDS FOR SUNDAY presented by Patricia McNally
With a reflection from the Reverend Ian Cruickshank
EMAIL ADDRESS FOR REQUESTS: sforsundaycmt@gmail.com
DO SEND YOUR REQUESTS IN – They will be most welcome
SUNDAY REFLECTION – 8.30 p.m. – 9.00 p.m.
Monday – MUSIC BOX – 8.04 p.m. – 8.30 p.m.
Monday – FAITH MATTERS – 8.30 p.m. – 9.00 p.m.
THOUGHTS FOR TUESDAY – 8.04 p.m.- 8.30 p.m.
Dean Gerald Field of Cashel presents Midweek Musings on this station on Wednesday evenings at 6.30 – 7 p.m. Tipperary Mid West Radio is a community radio station serving Tipperary town, Cashel, and south Co. Tipperary on 104.8fm, 106.7fm and online.
Check out http://www.radio.tippmidwestradio.com/
Canon Barbara Fryday, rector of Clonmel Union of Parishes presents the Sunday Life programme once every 5 weeks on Tipp FM 97.1 between 7 – 8 a.m.
Heidi Good and Fr. Willie Purcell alternate as presenters of Spirit Alive on Saturday
Community Radio Kilkenny City 88.7fm
See http://communityradiokilkennycity.ie/listen-live-back/
Also don’t forget to listen live/listen back to:
SOULWAVES https://www.soulwavesradio.ie/ the organisation that distributes spiritually-focused audio to stations round the country. Lots of topical clips to listen to each week. This week – a tribute to John Hume who died this week.
RTE’s religious programmes by clicking https://www.rte.ie/player/all-programmes/category/Religion
Spirit Radio – listen by clicking on https://www.spiritradio.ie/ as well. You can download the app on your phone also so that you can listen anywhere.