The Church of Ireland website now has a dedicated page with resources to help parishes to prevent scams which may affect parishioners, and their family, friends and neighbours.
Please see article at link below, which highlights the resources provided through the Scamwise NI campaign (co-ordinated by the PSNI) and similar help and advice from An Garda Síochána.
A presentation on Scamwise NI took place at Connor Synod last week; another presentation is due to follow at Down and Dromore Synod this week and the Press Office would be happy to arrange similar speaking slots in future.
Scamwise NI resources for parishes
Article link: http://bit.ly/2XSZczN
Resources page: www.ireland.anglican.org/scamwiseni
Leaflets for parishes can be ordered from the Press Office and the press officer will be more than happy to chat with clergy and staff who are interested in how this can help in pastoral ministry, and to listen to ideas about taking this forward at a parish level.
The main Press Office number is 028/048 9082 8880. While there isn’t a formal link with An Garda Síochána as yet, the Press Office is keen to hear from parishes about how they could help and perhaps work more closely with them in future.