The Annual General Meeting of the Friends of St Canice’s Cathedral, Kilkenny, 2014

The 100th anniversary of the day that the Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated and which pre-empted the First World War, coincided with the annual Choral Evensong and 63rd AGM of the Friends of St Canice’s Cathedral that took place in Kilkenny on Saturday 28th June 2014, the eve for the Vigil of Saint Peter’s Day.
The afternoon began with Evensong led by the Dean and Blessing given by the Bishop. The Choir was led by Mr David Forde and organist Mr Malcolm Proud and the lessons were read by Mr Pat Nolan and Ms Maureen Lanigan.
The Choir sang the ‘Preces’ by Morley and ‘Magnificat’ and ‘Nunc Dimittis’ by Stanford with the Anthem by Charles Wood.
The versicles, lesser litany, etc., were intoned by the Bishop and the occasional prayers were led by the Vicar the Revd Tim Irvine and the last two hymns were sung ‘acapella’: ‘Lead kindly light, amid the encircling gloom…’ and ‘Before the ending of the day’ both of which as the Bishop remarked that the words of these were not to infer that the day was over, as there was to be a fine afternoon ahead but later ‘taking us to safe lodging’ in the words of John Henry Newman.
The Dean thanked the Choir for its year’s singing and added that after 58 years in the choir Mr Des Wallace was this day retiring. The Choir made a presentation to him after the service.
The meeting following was chaired by the Bishop who remarked that it was good to see the Hon. Sec. returned to action after recent illness and looking so well.
Following the Report of the Hon. Secretary, there was reference to the committee’s year’s work with projects: purchase of a burse and veil and new carpet runners for the cathedral seats. Also, yet to be realised, a system for discounting cathedral entry attracting local firms and individuals to become more involved. An audio system for the cathedral is also under consideration.
The accounts were presented having been audited by the Honorary Auditor followed by the election of officers. The Bishop (President) and the Dean (Chairperson) are ex-officio. The Hon. Sec./Treas. was re-elected. The Committee had been elected for three years so it continues.
This year’s outing will take place on Saturday 20th September to the Kildare region and cathedral.
In her Report the Dean spoke of the cathedral developments over the last year including the provision of a Laudian Frontal and the new seat runners. Other matters concerning the cathedral is signage for visitors including an explanatory plinth at the Round Tower part-funded by Fáilte Ireland. Notice boards will detail service and opening times. Inside, further information will be supplied for tourists and audio-visual items at certain points – the ‘through-the-key-hole’ effect – able to see and hear. It is envisaged that refurbishment of all exterior doors and work on stonework on the West side to be carried out in due course. The question of car parking in the ‘Orchard’ to be revisited and a trial of a one way system round the Close to be in place from 1st July.
The Patronal Weekend is 17th – 19th October 2014 with a concert on the Friday evening and on Saturday the new third level bishop’s medal will be presented.

The Bishop thanked the Dean for her imaginative ministry during the year. He wished Mr Crocket Co. Manager well in his retirement and Mr Des Wallace retiring from the choir after 58 years. He offered best wishes to the Revd Canon Peter Cole-Baker on his forthcoming retirement and hoped that he would retain an active association with the cathedral, all despite the burden of his illness.
He encouraged everyone to avail of the illustrated history of the Church of Ireland recently published and on sale in the cathedral.
The afternoon concluded with Mr Malcolm Proud giving a short recital on the harpsichord playing pieces by Jean-Philippe Rameau, the 250th anniversary of whose death occurs this year.
The assembled company then adjourned to the deanery for refreshments.