The second day of the Bishop’s virtual tour will take place tomorrow, Saturday November 14th and he will be ‘visiting’ 11 places in the Clonenagh and Rathdowney areas between 0930 and 1605 hours. You can see his timetable below and a list of the topics that will be coming up. Do listen in. There are many topics of interest and an introduction to each particular church and a prayer for that congregation at the start of each talk.
So far a total of €1345 has come in from online and cheque donations for Bishops’ Appeal literacy projects in the developing world in association with Mothers’ Union and Feed The Minds. Every donation is much appreciated.
0930 | Aghaboe | 1877 | Gladstone visits Ireland |
1000 | Borris-in-Ossry | 1878 | Death of Cardinal Cullen |
1045 | Sier Kieran | 1879 | Famine in the West and the Irish Church Missions |
1130 | Annatrim | 1880 | ‘Boycotting’ |
1215 | Lacca | 1881 | A census year |
1250 | Clonenagh | 1882 | Trollope and the Post Office |
1325 | Roskelton | 1883 | Our first electric railway |
1435 | Rathdowney | 1884 | The first women graduates |
1505 | Rathsaran | 1885 | Tenant Purchase/Ashbourne Act |
1535 | Castlefleming | 1886 | First Home Rule Bill |
1605 | Donaghmore | 1887 | ‘Shoot to kill’ policy by the RIC |