Fiddown is a small village situated on the Carrick-on-Suir to Waterford Road
Piltown, noted for its agricultural college, Kildalton, is situated on the banks of the River Pill.
St. Mary’s Church, Kilmeaden, X91 NY24
Holy Trinity Church, Portlaw X91 XD52
The Lodge, Portlaw X91 K3C1
Clonegam Church, Portlaw X91 CD80
St. Paul’s Church, Piltown E32 CP27
The Rectory, Piltown E32 VP08
Piltown Parish Hall E32 AP94
Saint Paul’s Church, Piltown:
1st Sunday 9.30 a.m. (MP)
2nd Sunday 9.30 a.m. (HC)
3rd Sunday 11.00 a.m. (MP) or All Age Worship
4th Sunday 11.00 (HC)
Holy Trinity, Portlaw and Saint Mary’s, Kilmeaden:
1st Sunday 11.00 a.m. Holy Communion, Holy Trinity, Portlaw
2nd Sunday 11.00 a.m. (MP) Saint Mary’s, Kilmeaden
3rd Sunday 9:30 a.m. (HC) Holy Trinity, Portlaw
4th Sunday 9.30 a.m. (HC) Saint Mary’s, Kilmeaden
5th Sunday 11.00am Fiddown Union United Service
The three churches take turns in providing the location.
Rector: Vacant/Priest in charge: Reverend Christine O’Dowd Smyth

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