Applications welcome to Marshal Beresford’s Fund & Church Fabric and Development Fund
The Marshal Beresford’s Fund and the Church Fabric and Development Fund are held towards the building or repair of churches or chapels. The grants from the Marshal Beresford’s Fund and the Church Fabric and Development Fund are allocated half–yearly in April and November.
Completed application forms must be returned to the Representative Church Body by either 1st March or 1st October for the relevant half–year. If a parish is awarded a grant, it will be allocated from either the Marshal Beresford’s Fund or the Church Fabric and Development Fund and not from both funds.
Grants are usually not allocated towards a project until the completion of the works relevant to the grant application.
Application forms and guidelines are available from the Parish Resources section of the Church of Ireland website ( Completed forms and supporting documents should be sent to Mr Ian Walshe, Property Department, Representative Church Body, Church of Ireland House, Church Avenue, Rathmines, Dublin 6, D06 CF67. (Tel: 00353–1–4125 619; Email:
The next deadline for receipt of applications is 1st October 2017.
Marshal Beresford’s Fund: Application Form
Church Fabric and Development Fund: Guidance Notes
Church Fabric and Development Fund: Application Form