Hello from all at ECO-CFO. We hope you are keeping safe and well at this difficult time.
We had hoped in the coming months to run a workshop focusing on the birds which visit our gardens and the variety of species within our dioceses. Unfortunately, this will now have be cancelled due to the Coronavirus, however these days of isolation are probably a very good time to hold our bird survey, as so many more of us are at home with time on our hands.
So firstly, the survey asks a few simple questions which require a ‘tick answer’. Then you will find a list of bird species which we see every day in our gardens and environs.
Pick a time of the day (same time each day might be best) and count the different birds in your garden, then at the end of the week write the total number of each species into the space provided (extra spaces are given for species not listed).
The survey covers the months of April, May and June, and further sheets will be added later on to cover the summer months. At the end of the survey we will collate the findings and report on them at Diocesan Synod in October. We will also be giving away wild-bird related products to those who take part, so please do get involved.
If you need more copies of the survey or any help with filling it in please contact us at cfoenviro@gmail.com.
Stay home and stay safe,
The ECO CFO Committee.
Here is the survey:
ECO-CFO Bird Survey