Tuesday, 28th April 2020
Church of Ireland Bishops’ Appeal Supports Global Emergency Responses During Covid-19 Pandemic
In the light of the global Covid-19 pandemic, Bishops’ Appeal – the Church of Ireland’s World Aid
and Development Programme – is releasing a total of €50,000 to five key partner mission and
development agencies to support their efforts among the world’s most vulnerable people.
The five agencies are Christian Aid, Tearfund Ireland, CMS Ireland, USPG, and Motivation.
The emergency responses include distributing essential supplies such as food, soap, medicine and
information to people whose markets have shut down and who have no access to supplies, people who
live in informal settlements and in refugee camps, and people who are living with a disability.
The Rt Revd Patrick Rooke, Chair of Bishops’ Appeal, said:
‘Aware of the financial pressures parishes are currently experiencing, the Church of Ireland is not launching its own major appeal but asking dioceses, parishes and individuals to give what they can to the appeals launched by our partner
agencies, with Bishops’ Appeal acting as a conduit.
In the midst of our own sufferings and fears at this time, it is vital that we remember those in countries with fewer resources and expertise.’
Further donations can be sent to Bishops’ Appeal through its website at