17th July 2020 – coming week
Services have resumed in many churches now that lockdown has ended. Please check with your Rector for church service times available in your union/group of parishes during July. The list below gives details of online services still available in our Diocese:
From 6 a.m. | Clonmel | The Reverend Canon Barbara Fryday is continuing her online service on Sundays
The Clonmel Union of Parishes’ act of worship for this Sunday can be accessed via a link on the parish’s Faceboook page https://www.facebook.com/OldStMarysClonmel/
or website http://oldstmarysclonmelunion.blogspot.com/
It becomes active @ 6.00 a.m. each Sunday. Canon Barbara Fryday
7.00 a.m. | Cashel | Podcasts are continuing.
The Cathedral reopens for public worship this Sunday, July 19th Sundays – Link to the podcast of Morning Prayer on Sunday will be posted on the parish’s parish Facebook page each week https://www.facebook.com/cashelunion/ www.cashelunion.ie for more details The Very Reverend Gerald Field
8.30 a.m. | Christ Church Cathedral Waterford | “Yes, we will continue online. Services will go out Sunday morning at midnight from my YouTube channel. Those interested can subscribe to the channel – no money involved. Google Youtube maria Jansson
or see http://christchurchwaterford.com/ The Very Reverend Maria Jansson The Reverend Trevor Sargent
9.30 a.m. | Wexford | https://www.facebook.com/arthur.minion.3
The Reverend Chancellor Arthur Minion
Also each morning at 10.00 a.m. – Matins in the garden. HC on Wednesdays (Time may revert to usual time of matins at 8.30 a.m. in the future)
10.00 a.m. | Tinahely | Time of online service is changing to 1 p.m. Sunday on Facebook live
Live streamed via https://www.facebook.com/tinahely.carnew The Venerable Ruth Elmes |
Baltinglass | “Online services will continue with a weekday act of worship service on either Tuesdays or Wednesdays. Sunday services will be broadcast via FB live on the 2nd and 4th Sundays (wifi available) and recorded on the 1st and 3rd Sundays (uploaded to FB by noon).” The Reverend Mairt Hanley.
https://www.facebook.com/RevMairt/ https://www.facebook.com/baltinglassgroup/posts/2320219738053848/
11 a.m. | Leighlin | Not continuing online services but may revisit some type of online presence in the future: The Very Reverend Tom Gordon
See https://www.facebook.com/St-Laserians-Cathedral-and-the-Leighlin-Union-of-Parishes-200026636680660/ Website http://www.saintlaserianscathedral-parishes.ie/index.php |
11 a.m. | Abbeyleix |
Online service is continuing. See https://www.facebook.com/abbeyleixandkillermogh/ The Reverend Canon Patrick Harvey
11 a.m. | Clonenagh | “In Clonenagh we will continue to have a Sunday service available on my YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/prayspot every Sunday morning at 11 a.m.
The Reverend Victor Fitzpatrick
11 a.m.
St Canice’s | Online services are not continuing but Evensong will still be broadcast every Sunday evening at 5 p.m. on Community Radio Kilkenny City 88.7 fm and live on their website http://communityradiokilkennycity.ie
See https://www.facebook.com/stcanicescathedral/ for details
The Very Reverend David McDonnell
week |
Killanne | Online services and on CDs are carrying on as normal along with services in some churches, the Reverend Ian Cruickshank says.
(See website for details of church services in July)
Services of Morning Prayer and Compline available on Sundays and at any time on the parish website – click on link to SoundCloud on www.killanneunion.ie
Also reflections. As well as church services now being available again: “By going onto the parish website killanneunion.ie you can find a link that gives different listening options. You can listen to a Full Service recorded by myself with all aspects of a service of Morning Prayer. Or you have the options of listening to, Just the hymns, Just the liturgy, Just the prayers, Just the readings or Just the Talk. These six options along with a Service of Compline are recorded onto CDs and are available for anyone who can’t obtain internet or would simply prefer a CD.” Ian.
The Reverend Ian also provides a reflection for the Sounds for Sunday requests programme on South East Radio between 9 and 10 a.m. Send requests to present Patricia McNally on sforsundaycmt@gmail.com
*Enniscorthy | Online Sunday service is planned but details not definite yet. It will probably be FB live at 9 a.m. and then played back, the Reverend Nicola Halford says.
She is exploring the possibility of showing FB live through the parish website for those parishioners who do not have FB if that is possible. The online service will currently be available via the parish FB page Enniscorthy and Monart union of parishes and the parish website www.enniscorthymonart.com The Reverend Nicola Halford
11 a.m. | Stradbally | Online services are continuing, the Reverend Alec Purser says.
All posted on FB: See also the parish’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnygmUSCtj24e86GkP5CdAA/featured?view_as=subscriber |
Weds | Dunleckney | Online services are continuing, says the Reverend Kevin Ronné
The times are as follows: Wednesday 19H00 Saturday 18H00 Sunday will be Church Services in alternative Sundays allowing for two services @ 10H00 & 11H30. See the following for information: https://m.facebook.com/Dunleckney-Union-of-Parishes-109033024079498/ The Reverend Kevin Ronné |
Portlaoise |
There may be some occasional online services in the future. All three churches opening this Sunday. The Reverend Canon Peter Tarleton |
Lismore | “We will continue to put written liturgies and reflections on the website www.stcarthagescathedral.ie for each Sunday, as well as occasional videos. We are also hoping to stream occasional services over the summer,” Dean Paul Draper says.
Check out the new cathedral website https://www.stcarthagescathedral.ie/ for more information about services. also https://www.facebook.com/Saint-Carthages-Cathedral-Lismore-474784722604761/ for details of services The Very Reverend Paul Draper |
For other Church of Ireland services around the country that you can link in with please click on the following:
Link to www.ireland.anglican.org for details of services available online nationally. Click on Online broadcast services for Sundays and for weekdays.
Also, the BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER can be accessed on line on the Church of Ireland’s national website on the Worship Resources, 2004 Texts page: here
St Columba’s Church in Ennis on RTÉ News Now Sunday 19th at 2 p.m.
The Reverend Kevin O’Brien, the Rector of Ennis with Spanish Point and Kilnasoolagh, has been asked by RTÉ to produce a Service to be broadcast on RTÉ News Now of Sunday 19th July at 2 p.m.
Revd O’Brien has been producing Services every Sunday on YouTube during the lockdown and will continue to do so even though churches are beginning to reopen. These can be seen on www.clareanglicans.ie
Revd O’Brien said, “Our online services have been watched by a large number of viewers both in West Clare and much further afield and we feel it is important to continue them even though our churches are reopening, especially to help those people who do not feel ready yet to attend in person. Also, we see online participation as a new and growing way of many people ‘going to church’ into the future – we want to be there for them.”
“We are grateful to RTÉ for giving us the opportunity to widen our number of worshipers still further by broadcasting it on RTÉ News Now.”
The Service will be broadcast on RTÉ News Now on Sunday 19th July at 2pm and will be a Service of Morning Prayer for the 6th Sunday after Trinity.
It will be led by Revd Kevin who will also preach. Members of the three churches will be involved in providing readings and prayers. The service will be introduced by the church organist Nigel Bridge playing a piece of music of his own composition.
The programme ends with a traditional piper playing Easter Snow. ****
Details of spiritual/religious radio programmes broadcast in this diocese
See https://www.southeastradio.ie/listen-live/
Saturday morning
Simply Divine
10.04 a.m. -10.30 a.m. with Maria Colfer (Heather Haddrill presents this week)
Sounds For Sunday presented by Patricia McNally
With a reflection from the Reverend Ian Cruickshank
EMAIL ADDRESS FOR REQUESTS: sforsundaycmt@gmail.com
DO SEND YOUR REQUESTS IN – They will be most welcome
Sunday Celebration 10 a.m.
Gorey and Arklow Methodist churches
Sunday Reflection – 8.30 p.m. – 9.00 p.m.
Canon Arthur Minion,rector of Wexford and Kilsoran union of Parishes, shares reflections and music on different types of Prayer.
Monday – Music Box – 8.04 p.m. – 8.30 p.m.
Paul Freeney – music selection
Monday – Faith Matters – 8.30 p.m. – 9.00 p.m.
Fr Billy Swan – loneliness
Thoughts for Tuesday – 8.04 p.m.- 8.30 p.m.
Fr Jim Cogley – topic – grief and loss
Dean Gerald Field of Cashel presents Midweek Musings on this station on Wednesday evenings at 6.30 – 7 p.m. Tipperary Mid West Radio is a community radio station serving Tipperary town, Cashel, and south Co. Tipperary on 104.8fm, 106.7fm and online.
Check out http://www.radio.tippmidwestradio.com/
Canon Barbara Fryday, rector of Clonmel Union of Parishes presents the Sunday Life programme once every 5 weeks on Tipp FM 97.1 between 7 – 8 a.m.
Heidi Good and Fr. Willie Purcell alternate as presenters of Spirit Alive on Saturday
Community Radio Kilkenny City 88.7fm
See http://communityradiokilkennycity.ie/listen-live-back/
Also don’t forget to listen live/listen back to:
SOULWAVES https://www.soulwavesradio.ie/ the organisation that distributes spiritually-focused audio to stations round the country. Lots of topical clips to listen to each week.
RTE’s religious programmes by clicking https://www.rte.ie/player/all-programmes/category/Religion
Spirit Radio – listen by clicking on https://www.spiritradio.ie/ as well. You can download the app on your phone also so that you can listen anywhere.