The Commission on Ministry, one of our central committees, is organizing an online Advent retreat, for both lay people and clergy, on Saturday, 28 November.
Advent – The Dawn of Hope
A retreat for lay people and for clergy organised by the Commission on Ministry
Saturday 28th November 2020
9.30 am – 1.00 pm
Held online by Zoom – free of charge. For booking or further information, please contact Catherine Smith at catherine.smith@rcbdub.org
Speaker: The Rev Ruth Patterson is a Presbyterian minister, and for the last 29 years has been Director of Restoration Ministries, a non–denominational, Christian organisation committed to peace and reconciliation.
In 1976, she was the first woman to be ordained in Ireland. She was the recipient of the Alumna of the Year 2000 award (Edinburgh University / Royal Bank of Scotland), in 2001 an honorary doctorate from the Presbyterian Theology Faculty of Ireland, and in 2003 was awarded an OBE for her efforts in reconciliation.
She has authored five books and numerous articles stemming from her commitment to unity and peace. She is one of four church representatives to L’Arche International and holds the post of Ecumenical Canon in St Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast. She is on the Board of Oneings, a bi–annual publication of the Centre for Action and Contemplation in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
For more information see: