Week of Saturday 25th April to Friday 1st May
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic church services are suspended at present but you can link in to these services at diocesan and national level:
- Bishop Michael Burrows’ audio-visual reflection ROAD TO EMMAUS: SEEING THE OBVIOUS went live on cashel.anglican.org at 1 p.m. today, Saturday 25th April 2020.
Also please check out your parish Facebook page or website (if there is one)for details of online services in your parish this Sunday or contact your rector for information.
South East Radio 95.2-96.4fm
Saturday 25th April Tuesday 28th April 2020.
Simply Divine Sat 25th April 10.04 -10.30am
Maria Colfer spoke with Bishop Michael Burrows who shared an insight on Judas.
🏻Sounds For Sunday 26thApril 9.04 -10.00am
Sounds for Sunday, presented by Patricia McNally.
Send requests to sforsundaycmt@gmail.com
️Sunday reflection 26th April 8.30- 9.00pm
Sunday reflection is presented by Anglican Rector Reverend Mairt Hanley who is based in Baltinglass.
Music Box – Monday 27th April 8.04- 8.30pm
Reverend Ian Cruickshank,Church of Ireland Rector of Killanne Union of Parishes, shares a selection of musical favourites.
➕Faith Matters Monday 27th April 8.30-9.00pm
Reflection and Music from Canon Arthur Minion, Rector of Wexford and Kilscoran Union of Parishes.
The planned online services in the diocese of Cashel, Ferns & Ossory include:
CHURCH | ONLINE LINKS and Rectors | |
7.00 a.m. | Cashel |
The Clonmel Union of Parishes’ act of worship can be accessed at soundcloud.com, https://soundcloud.com
It becomes active @ 6.00 a.m. tomorrow, Sunday 26th April and each Sunday.
Canon Barbara Fryday
Sundays – Podcast of Morning Prayer on Sunday will be posted on the parish’s parish Facebook page at 11.a.m. https://www.facebook.com/cashelunion/ www.cashelunion.ie for more details For tomorrow click on the link below at 11 a.m. Podcast Link:https://soundcloud.com/ The Very Reverend Gerald Field Note: Podcast is recorded using SoundCloud. Therefore, if you don’t have access to Facebook the audio file can be emailed to you if you let Dean Field know by emailing cashelunion@gmail.com
8.30 a.m. | Christ Church Cathedral Waterford | https://youtu.be/M4iR2DC4I_c
or see http://christchurchwaterford.com/ The Very Reverend Maria Jansson The Reverend Trevor Sargent *Eucharist
9.30 a.m. | Wexford | https://www.facebook.com/arthur.minion.3
The Reverend Chancellor Arthur Minion
10.00 a.m. | Tinahely | Morning Prayer from the Rectory
Live streamed via https://www.facebook.com/tinahely.carnew Keep an eye out for the rector’s stunt double popping up on the Facebook page also – good for children – and adults! The Venerable Ruth Elmes |
10.30 a.m. | Baltinglass | https://www.facebook.com/RevMairt/
https://www.facebook.com/baltinglassgroup/posts/2320219738053848/ The Reverend Mairt Hanley Morning Prayer Also on Wednesdays at 8 p.m. Compline/Late Evening Office See this page for Holy Week services |
11 a.m. | Leighlin | Morning Prayer – (shortened)
The Very Reverend Tom Gordon See https://www.facebook.com/St-Laserians-Cathedral-and-the-Leighlin-Union-of-Parishes-200026636680660/ Website http://www.saintlaserianscathedral-parishes.ie/index.php |
11 a.m. | Abbeyleix
Recorded or live streamed service from Abbey
https://www.facebook.com/abbeyleixandkillermogh/ The Reverend Canon Patrick Harvey |
11 a.m. | Clonenagh | Morning Prayer on the Reverend Victor Fitzpatrick’s YouTube channel www.youtube.com/prayspot for the Clonenagh Group of Parishes or for anyone who wants to watch.
Also Late Evening Office on Tuesdays at 8pm and Morning Prayer on Thursdays at 11am and at Easter:
11 a.m.
St Canice’s | See https://www.facebook.com/stcanicescathedral/
for details of Holy Week and Easter liturgies.
The Very Reverend David McDonnell
week |
Killanne | Services of Morning Prayer and Compline available on Sundays and at any time on the parish website – click on link to SoundCloud on www.killanneunion.ie
Also reflections. By going onto the parish website killanneunion.ie you can find a link that gives different listening options. You can listen to a Full Service recorded by myself with all aspects of a service of Morning Prayer. Or you have the options of listening to, Just the hymns, Just the liturgy, Just the prayers, Just the readings or Just the Talk. These six options along with a Service of Compline are recorded onto CDs and are available for anyone who can’t obtain internet or would simply prefer a CD.
Enniscorthy | Will be broadcasting services every Sunday from Palm Sunday. There will also be a short reflection every day during Holy Week that is edited to include music and video readings by parishioners.
They will be available via the parish FB page Enniscorthy and Monart union of parishes and the parish website www.enniscorthymonart.com The Reverend Nicola Halford Sympathy is extended to the Reverend Halford on the recent death of her father. |
11 a.m. | Stradbally | Morning Prayer.
Order of service emailed to parishioners the day before All posted on FB where there may also be a link to Stradbally’s new parish YouTube channel. The Reverend Alec Purser |
Weds | Dunleckney | See the following for information:
https://m.facebook.com/Dunleckney-Union-of-Parishes-109033024079498/ Our online services will continue on each Sunday at 11 a.m. and Wednesdays at 7 p.m. and every morning a short 3-minute reflection The Reverend Kevin Ronné |
Portlaoise | https://youtu.be/qfiUJxWtShc
Check out Canon Tarleton’s Easter service on the link above. The Reverend Canon Peter Tarleton |
Lismore | Check out the new cathedral website
https://www.stcarthagescathedral.ie/ for more information about services. https://www.facebook.com/Saint-Carthages-Cathedral-Lismore-474784722604761/ The Very Reverend Paul Draper |
For other Church of Ireland services around the country that you can link in with please click on the following:
Link to www.ireland.anglican.org for details of services available online nationally. Click on Online broadcast services for Sundays and for weekdays.
Also, the BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER can be accessed on line on the Church of Ireland’s national website on the Worship Resources, 2004 Texts page: here