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Diocese of Cashel, Ferns and Ossory

Royal School of Church Music

music and cross
Church Music Dublin would like to publicize an initiative by the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) aimed at lifting  our spirits at this challenging time.
Please see the communication from below:
“In these strange and worrying times the Churches, at local and regional level are attempting in a variety of ways to continue their mission and to keep in touch with people. We are grateful for this.
Each of us must continue to wash hands, observe adequate social distancing, and keep safe generally, observing closely instructions from Government and health authorities, and maintaining contact as best we can with those who live alone. 
The Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) has been quick to take an initiative and we are pleased to help circulate the following communication issued on 24th March. We are sure what they have put in place will lift spirits. 
In the absence of all the usual routines of life, we have put together a whole range of initiatives, which we hope will help to hold everyone together: we can still work on fulfilling our mission until the darkness lifts and we are in the light again. 
‘For everyone, wherever you are: Our website now features, free for all, Hymn of the Day, and Sunday Self-Service – a simple act of worship with music, readings and prayers which will change weekly. (The link is below.) Specific resources for Holy Week and Easter will be available in due course. We will shortly be adding a daily vocal warm-ups video – a short session to keep your body moving, and voice in good shape if you’re a singer. If you don’t consider yourself a singer, do it anyway!’ “

is an agency of the   

Church of Ireland dioceses
of Dublin & Glendalough
What do we do?

We aim to support music in local churches by providing information and training and by fostering a sense of community among musicians.

More specifically … 
We run a 3-year course in church music skills leading to the Archbishop of Dublin’s Certificate in Church Music.