The Phantom of the Opera 1925 Silent Movie with Live Score
This Halloween (Thursday 31st October) at 7:30 pm, immerse yourself in the atmospheric surroundings of St Canice’s Cathedral for a very special screening of the 1925 silent movie Phantom of the Opera with a live score performed by resident Director of Music Bartosz Thiede on the organ – the classic brought to life on the big screen.
Transport yourself to 1890s Paris and take delight in the unmasking of the Phantom that dwells within the depths of the glamorous Grand Opera House.
Starring Lon Chaney, Mary Philbin and Norman Kerry, Phantom was a film whose production was troubled from the very beginning. Filmed just at the transition from silent to talkies, and be-devilled by professional spats, last-minute re-cuts and re-shoots, it had disaster potentially written all over it. And yet it is widely acclaimed as a silent movie classic. Join us at St Canice’s Cathedral on October 31st at 7:30 pm to find out why. A live musical score to this screening will be performed by Bartosz Thiede (Director of Music) on the cathedral’s restored 1853 Bevington organ.
Proceeds from the screening will go towards funding a new week long Passion Festival. The festival will seek to engage in an innovative and artistic way in bringing the story of the Passion of Christ to new and exciting audiences in a way that is both tangible and engaging. In an increasing secular society, we can no longer take for granted that people know the story of the Passion. The Festival seeks to use the God given artistic talents of present day artists, drawing from the well-spring of our tradition, to tell anew and afresh the story of Holy Week. The Festival will include “Cone and Sing” events for children and adults, interactive dramatic retelling of the Passion stories and a headline concert of Sacred Passion Music by the world famous Gesualdo Six, as well as the regular round of much loved liturgies of Christ.
Tickets are available from Eventbrite ( and the Cathedral Shop.
Tickets: Full Price €15
Students and Over 65s €10
Under 18s €5