Recent appointment:
The Reverend Canon Ruth Elmes, Rector of Tinahely and Carnew union, to be also Archdeacon of Ossory and Leighlin, United Dioceses of Cashel, Ferns & Ossory.
Bishop Burrows adds:
“I am delighted at the warm reception all over the diocese to the news of Ruth Elmes’ appointment as one of our archdeacons along with the Venerable Bob Gray. It is generally recognized that Ruth brings to this very responsible rold in the diocese huge skills both human and administrative. She reads people and situations very well and combines deep compassion with being a real ‘doer’.
I believe she will make a huge contribution to the administration and strategic development of our diocese in the coming years.”
Photo below:
The Reverend Ruth Elmes, Rector of Tinahely and Carnew Union, when she was installed as Prebendary of Kilrane and Taghmon at an Advent Choral Evensong service in St Edan’s Cathedral, Ferns on Sunday, December 10th 2017.