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Diocese of Cashel, Ferns and Ossory

Bishop’s Garden Party for those he confirmed

Bishop Michael Burrows held an afternoon party in the grounds of his home in Kilkenny last Saturday, 15 September. It was a reunion for those he has confirmed since becoming bishop in 2006.

Rain held off on the day and those attending enjoyed the opportunity to meet friends and make new ones at this event organised with the help of the Reverend Nicola Halford, chairperson of the Diocesan working group on youth ministry.

It was also an opportunity to reflect on how life has unfolded since the candidates’ day of confirmation, the Bishop said.

A variety of musical entertainment was organised in the festive marquee while outdoor games were also provided to add to the fun. Barbecued food and refreshments were available also.

Ice-cream followed in the garden and a special cake was cut to celebrate this special day by the oldest person confirmed by Bishop Burrows, back in 2006, and by others confirmed more recently.


The assembled group paid a quick visit to St Canice’s cathedral toward the end of the party where they said the Lord’s Prayer and the confirmation prayer – a prayer for always – ‘because we always need strength and guidance.’

Bishop Burrows thanked the assembled group for sharing those special moments and said that life was about handing on the faith and giving priority to things that matter and he hoped that the young people would come to St Canice’s and other churches for the confirmation of their own children in time to come.

Everyone left with a colourful bookmark memento of the day distributed by Nicola.