Annual Day of Prayer for Young People & Youth Ministry
Sunday, 23rd February 2020
2020 marks the sixth Day of Prayer for Young People and Youth Ministry across the Church of Ireland. The House of Bishops has approved the Sunday before Lent each year as this Annual Day of Prayer for our youth, with this year’s date falling on Sunday, 23rd February.
Over the years, a number of dioceses across the island have organised events and services to pray for the needs of our young people. Last year, the Church of Ireland Youth Department (CIYD) launched a booklet focused on praying for young people and youth ministry – this booklet contains a selection of prayer ideas that can be used during a service or events or also at other times of the year, as appropriate.
A number of the prayers link to God’s light and how we may shine for Him, drawing on 2 Corinthians 4 verse 6: ‘The Scriptures say, “God commanded light to shine in the dark.” Now God is shining in our hearts to let you know that his glory is seen in Jesus Christ.’
Copies are available for parishes, clergy and youth leaders etc. from your Diocesan Office or Youth Officer or from CIYD directly – and all copies are free of charge!
A PowerPoint slide to help to highlight the Day of Prayer is also available here

Issued by Church of Ireland Youth Department
Church of Ireland House
61–67 Donegall Street
028 9082 8890