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Diocese of Cashel, Ferns and Ossory

The Institution Service for the Revd. Canon David Bayne as incumbent of Tinahely and Carnew Union

All Saints’ Church in Carnew was the venue for the institution of the Revd Canon David Bayne as incumbent of Tinahely and Carnew Union on Friday 15th March.
David had been priest in charge of the parish during the vacancy and so the tone of this institution service was a little different. The Bishop in his sermon said that his role was not to introduce the newly arrived priest to the expectant and perhaps a little apprehensive congregation as they already knew their new rector and his wife Alison very well. David’s previous stipendiary ministry had been entirely within the Scottish Episcopal Church and he still held an honorary canonry of St Mary’s Cathedral in Glasgow.
Following the service, a speech of welcome was made on behalf of the parish. Canon Bayne responded and thanked those who were there to support him, including a large number of his clerical colleagues. The fellowship continued over refreshments served in the nearby Scoil Bhríde.